
Professional Societies and Journals

Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS)

The premier professional society for applied spectroscopy

Applied Spectroscopy

The SAS journal


SPIE is an international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light

The Coblentz Society

The Coblentz Society’s purpose is to foster the understanding and application of vibrational spectroscopy

Review Articles on Field Spectroscopy

Review articles covering miniature and portable instrumentation from NMR to near-infrared and Raman spectroscopy.
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Field Portable Instrumentation

My comprehensive (50 pages, 582 references) review article on portable spectroscopy has been published in Applied Spectroscopy as a ‘Focal Point’ article. Focal Point articles are ‘open access’, and thus are free to download.


This is the December 2018 issue of the journal. Applied Spectroscopy, 2018, Vol. 72(12) 1701–1751.

Two-Volume Book on Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry

 ‘Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry’, edited in conjunction with Pauline Leary and Brooke Kammrath

Volume 1

Volume 2

Pharmaceutical Analysis With Portable Spectrometers

Richard Crocombe, “Pharmaceutical analysis with portable spectrometers”, European Pharmaceutical Review, 27(1), 8-13 (February 2022).

Scientific Meetings


The objective of FACSS is to provide an international forum in which representatives of academic, industrial, and government institutions, from diverse scientific disciplines, can participate and cooperate in an effort to confront the challenges of complex analytical problems and share their knowledge

The great SCIentific eXchange --- the national meeting of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy.  October 2021 in Providence, RI.

Pittcon (The Pittsburgh Conference)

Pittcon is the leading conference and exposition for laboratory science featuring new technology and scientific research.  
2022 in Atlanta, GA. I put together an Organized Contributed Session entitled “Entrepreneurs, Start-Ups and Acquisitions in Analytical Instrumentation”. and

EAS (Eastern Analytical Symposium)

The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition (EAS) is held each year to provide professional scientists and students continuing education in the analytical and allied sciences through the presentation of symposia of papers, workshops, and short courses. An exposition of apparatus and supplies allied to these sciences is held concurrently with the symposia. November 2021 in Princeton, NJ

SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing

The home of the 'Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies' Conference’ (NGST).  
2022 in Orlando, FL.